Here are some of the books produced by graduates of the MA in Creative Writing and Publishing. As a proud supporter of the arts, I purchase a copy of everything our writers produce, including many works they started on our degree. Our alums are a prolific lot, so this has proven a tad costly, but I don’t mind because the writing is always engaging and I love seeing it in print!
– MACWP Programme Leader Bradford Gyori

JE Rowney has published 16 books. Her writing runs the gamut from cozy romance to gripping psychological thrillers. Visit her website at, or follow @jerowneywriter on social media and @jerowney on TikTok

Our Blog Editor Abbey Woolgar writes children’s books filled with laughs and helpful insights about raising rowdy boys with Autism. She has eleven books available on Amazon. You can find out more about her work at

Our Podcast Host and MACWP alum, Dale Hurst, produces works that are as witty, urbane, and laced with a twist of larceny. You can find episodes of The Dale Hurst Writing Show on this website or Spotify.

Writing realist literature with an emotive punch, Lesley Webb is both prolific and versatile. She has produced a collection of short stories and a novel. Learn more about her by visiting

Melanie Goldring, AKA Mel writes poems about all things precious and ephemeral and the love that keeps them alive, at least in our memories.

Lillian Maddison (the writing alias of Sarah Rees) wrote this mashup of a penny dreadful, a feminist parable and a good ol’ blood and guts murder mystery. You won’t soon forget her crime solving madame Ruby Myers.

Laila Lock time travels, defies gravity, and slipstreams between dimensions sometimes in the same sentence. The Forgotten Folk: Four Wishes will leave you marvelling at the capacious breadth and depth of its author’s imagination.

This is a slight cheat as Helen Jacey isn’t a MACWP alum; she’s actually the previous Programme Leader. But I would be remise if I didn’t give a shout out to a dame who writes such socko 40’s feminist prose in her three book series featuring the indelible Elvira Slate.

Elise Caverly (better known to MACWP alums as Nicolle Knapová) writes poetry that burrows under our skin, pins us to the wall, and stares down our worst demons. Powerful stuff.

Sade Fadipe has written three illustrated children’s books set in Nigeria. Her books are filled with playful stories and serious learning opportunities for young readers.

Ruby Vitorino Moody mixes historic fiction with a murder mystery in her page-turning novel Murder in Arundel. Set in rural England in the 1930s the story is a heady cocktail of ghosts, murder and gin.

Julie Salt brings a journalist’s keen eye and a poet’s wide open heart to moving verses that will take your breath away.